Orcadian Column, 1 Feb 2024
The long wait for an Orkney Sports Award continues for me and Robbie Fraser after last Friday’s ceremony in the Orkney Theatre. Despite that disappointment, the awards remain one of my favourite events of the year.
The long wait for an Orkney Sports Award continues for me and Robbie Fraser after last Friday’s ceremony in the Orkney Theatre. Despite that disappointment, the awards remain one of my favourite events of the year.
James Stockan’s announcement on Monday that he is stepping down from Orkney Islands Council caught most people by surprise, certainly in its timing. Indeed, the echoes with a similar, sudden resignation almost exactly a year ago are uncanny.
Coming into 2023, Nicola Sturgeon remained the dominant figure in Scotland’s political landscape. While frictions within her party were becoming more obvious and public, nothing suggested an implosion was imminent.
Tattie picking pushes it hard but gathering kelp was comfortably the most unpleasant task I had growing up in the late 70s and early 80s. Child labour laws are more stringent nowadays, and kelp harvesting no longer takes place to any real extent...
Hosting the star of the Great British Bake Off and getting my first taste of chairing First Ministers Questions made for a busy few days at Holyrood last week that took some digesting.
It seems the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak has decided the best way to prove he’s “the change” the country needs is by making former Prime Minister, David Cameron a peer and appointing him Foreign Secretary.