McArthur comments on National Care Service cancellation

Commenting after the Scottish Government announced it would no longer proceed with plans to institute a National Care Service, Orkney’s MSP Liam McArthur said:
"Few dispute the need for reform of our social care sector to meet the needs of an ageing population. But the Scottish Government’s National Care Service proposals would have hollowed out even more powers and funding from local authorities and put more strain on already stretched services. This centralisation was always particularly ill-suited to the needs of island communities.
“I am very glad that it has been scrapped. But the wheels came off this proposal a long time ago, as key stakeholders in social care withdrew their support and it became clear there was no majority in parliament for a National Care Service. Ever since then the government has been delaying the inevitable to avoid embarrassment, at a not-inconsiderable cost to the taxpayer, while preventing meaningful reforms from progressing.
"There can be no further delay. The Scottish Government must make up for lost time by progressing meaningful reforms for social care now.”